Saturday, February 19, 2011

Faith and Works

     For the past couple of nights my family has been reading the book of James for family devotions.  I have been really enjoying this book of the Bible.  Last night we read James 2:14-26.  Verse 19 was my favorite of the passage, It says,"You believe that God is one; you do well.  Even the demons believe and shudder!"  Just because we believe in God doesn't mean we are saved.  The demons believe He died on the cross but they are not saved from hell.  We must give our hearts to Jesus and have total faith in Him.
     This passage also talks about faith without works is dead.  Verse 14-18 says, "What good is it my brothers, if someone says he has faith but doesn't have works?  Can faith save him?  If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking daily food, and one of you says to them, go in peace be warmed and filled, without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?  So also faith by itself,  if it doesn't have works is dead."  We can't just say we believe that Jesus died on the cross for us(faith), we need to tell others about how he died for us(works)!  We need to live with a desire to please Jesus.  We need to show our love for God in the way we treat others and live godly lives.  Verse 26 says, "For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead".   The 2 go together, faith AND works.  We should place our faith and trust in God and do works in His name.   Our works cannot save us but our faith apart from our works means our faith is dead.
     Our family Bible time is a real blessing to me and our entire family.  I have a lot to learn but I am thankful that God has given me His word.  Tonight we are reading chapter 3 of James and that passage is on taming the tongue.  This will be good!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Groundhog Day

We spent Groundhog day at the Tennessee Aquarium.

And yes, the groundhog did see his shadow!!

  Ethan and Nic got to feed the sting rays!  One of the people who works there gave them pieces of shrimp and told them to put it between their figures and the sting rays came and ate out of their hands!

They said that it felt so weird!  We went to the aquarium on a week day and there was hardly anyone there.  We were able to do things we don't usually get to do .

I love all the creatures God has made.  His creations are so wonderful.  Praise the Lord!


Here are pictures of Nic's most recent illness.
Doesn't Nic look pitiful? 

Why am I posting these you might ask.............because even though we all helped take care of Nic, NO ONE else got sick.  I am thankful to God for protecting and taking care of our family and most of all for making Nic better!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Olivia's Birthday

On January 21st, Olivia Kaite Moran turned 5.  I can't believe she is already 5!  I remember the day she was born and man she has grown up fast!  This year for her birthday she wanted a Care Bear party.  We went to the store and bought Care Bear decorations and my mom made her a Care Bear cake.  Also for her birthday she wanted to go to the American Girl Doll store in Atlanta.  My mom and Olivia and Mamaw went down to Atlanta and left me to watch the other kids.  While they were gone we decorated the house and got it ready for the party.

This is the cake my Mom made, amazing isn't it? 

For part of Olivia's party we had a tea party.

Olivia had a great day!!  I can't believe she is 5.  I hope she has a wonderful year this year.    I love being her big brother! 
Olivia and Mamaw


In my family we don't always go to the barber shop to get our hair cut.  Sometimes my mom cuts our hair.  She has cut our hair for as long as I can remember.  I like it better when she does it.  She knows how we like it and it saves a lot of money.  I think she likes cutting our hair or she doesn't mind doing it because she does it a lot.  Here are some pictures of her last cut.
   Here she is cutting Nic's hair in the middle of the KITCHEN, where we eat!!!!!!
Normally she does it out on the deck but this day it was cold so she decided to do it inside.  (please don't call the health department )

                       Here is Eli needing a hair cut BAD!!!!    BEFORE


My mom is skilled at a lot of things and hair cutting is just one of them.

 If you were wondering why I look so handsome, it is the hair,  Thanks mom!!!!