Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tybee Island 2012

      We had never been to Tybee Island before.  We rented a beach house on the island.  We met up with my grandparents who drove down from Virginia. It took us about 6 hours to get to Tybee with all our stops, and because of some bad traffic.  When we arrived at the beach house we were all soooo excited to be there.  Our beach house was in the perfect location.  We were only a minute walk from the ocean and there were a bunch of stores also within walking distance.  I knew that this vacation was going to be great!

 Mom made GORP!

Each day we day we would take our stuff down to the beach and set up camp.

 We spent most of our time in the ocean body-surfing in the waves!

 Papaw doing what he does best!

Clare loved her first trip to the beach!

We loved playing soccer and football on the beach.

Each day when we came back to the beach house we were all exhausted!

Nicholas, Eli, and Olivia  bought hermit crabs at the beach.

So cute!

We were able to go see the lighthouse on Tybee Island which is still active today!

This is a great family shot!

God blessed us with a wonderful vacation as a family!  The weather was perfect all week, nobody got hurt, and we had some great family time.  We are definitely going back to Tybee Island next year!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Holy Spirit Dwells in Us

     The Bible calls the Christian's body God's Temple, or the Temple of the Holy Spirit.  Temple means dwelling place.  Therefore, if we are Christians, God's Spirit lives in us.  (1Cor. 3:16, 6:19)  Our bodies are also called members of Christ.  God created us, and we are His.  If we are Christians we belong to Christ.  If we are Christians we should be the hands and feet of Jesus.  Christians should do the work of Christ here on Earth.  We should be witnessing, praying, spreading the gospel/good news and helping others.

     Since our bodies are God's temple; His dwelling place, we should keep our bodies holy.  Our bodies should be well taken care of.  One way we can take care of our bodies is to eat healthy and to exercise.  Our bodies aren't being kept holy if we are filling them with fatty foods, unhealthy junk, or if we are overeating or smoking.  We should exercise our bodies and try to stay in good physical condition.  Another area where we should take care is our personal appearance.  Our bodies aren't being kept holy if we are pierced, tattooed, or have self-inflicted wounds.  We should also keep our hair neat, teeth brushed, and nails trimmed.  We should always try to look our best and dress appropriately.

     We should keep our minds pure as well.  Our minds should be kept pure just like our bodies are to be kept holy.  Our minds aren't pure if we are filling them with the lyrics of bad music, if we are speaking bad language, or viewing pornography.  We should take extra care to make sure that our eyes don't look at anything unholy and our ears don't listen to anything unholy.  We must honor God in what we do with our hands and what we say with our mouths.

     Since the Spirit of God lives in every Christian, we should be certain that we are good stewards of our hearts, minds, and bodies.  The place where the Spirit of God dwells must be a holy place for Him to reside.