Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Putting God First

      In my own life I have noticed consequences in my day when I don't meet with God first thing in the morning.  I have realized that I need to put God first in my day.  If I don't get up and read my bible and pray and just skip over those and move on to breakfast or my chores then my day goes sour fast.  I might have a bad attitude or I might be lazy or I might just be really selfish or hurt someone's feelings. If I would have met with God first I would have been changed and ''refreshed'' by the reading of his holy word.  I also wouldn't know what God wanted me to do for that day if I didn't give him time to show me.  We need to talk to God each morning so he can show us how he wants us to live.  We should also spend some time reading his word.

      I know mornings can be very hectic for most people with school and work but it doesn't take long for you to read a Psalm or Proverb and pray to God.  Just by doing this your day will be changed dramatically.  Meeting with God and putting Him first is the right thing to do.  If you do this, you will be blessed I promise!
  The Bible says, ''But seek FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you".  Matt. 6:3
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied".  Matt.5:6

There are also some very great devotional books you can get to work through each morning with questions to think about and answer.  You can find many of these at your neighborhood Christian book store.  I have worked through several books like this and they have really blessed me.  It's important that we give some of our time to spend with our Creator first thing each day.  

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I'm Lovin It!

     My feet are killing me.  I am so tired.  My back hurts.  But I am happy!  I have a job!!!!!!  Ethan and I both have been  hired by McDonald's.  Today was our second day.  The last two days we have been getting up at 6:30am and getting to work at 8am and working until 4pm.  It has been lots of fun!  I have learned the system really fast.  All the people we work with and wait on are extremely nice.  The time flies by with McDonald's being slammed all day.  It is nice because we get a 66 % discount on our food (not that we should eat a lot of McDonald's food.  I am really liking this job way more than I thought I would!  It is also an added bonus getting to work with your best friend.  We both have been helping each other if we have questions about something at work.  McDonald's is a great place to work.......well at least the one in Ooltewah, Tennessee.  I have to go to bed now.  Got to get up early in the morning and go to work!  There are hashbrowns to drop and coffee to brew.

Ethan I in our snazzy uniforms! :)