Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter At My House

     Here are a few pictures of Easter from my house. 
Each year my Mom makes us a ''Bunny Cake''  Didn't she do a good job this year?  It tasted even better than it looks!

My little sister set the table but my Dad snatched an egg before we could take a picture.  Here is a little picture of our Easter spread. 
Looking at this picture is making my mouth water!!!  The food was sooooo good!!!

My Mom and Dad also gave us baskets full of candy.  This was probably my favorite Easter yet!

Easter isn't about food and candy though.  It is the celebration of Jesus' Resurrection from the dead.  Without Jesus' death we would all be going to hell.  Jesus died for us.  But he didn't stay dead.  God raised him from the dead.  Jesus is sitting in heaven right now at the right hand of God.  So easily our thoughts about Easter can be on candy and food and bunny cakes.  We need to make sure that we keep our focus on him this time of year.  We also need to thank God for sending his son to die for us.

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Word From The Word

     Here is a great Psalm that my Dad is having us memorize.  It is kind of long but it is great for memorizing. 
I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O Lord, I will make music.  I will ponder the way that is blameless.  Oh when will you come to me?  I will walk with integrity of heart within my house; I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless.  I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me.  A perverse heart shall be far from me; I will know nothing of evil.  Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy.  Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart  I will not endure.  I will look with favor on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me.  No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.  Morning by morning I will destroy all the wicked in the land, cutting off all evildoers from the city of the Lord.  Psalm 101 esv

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Here's a sample of a typical day in my life.  I thought this might be fun.  Leave me a comment and tell me about your schedule!

- I normally get up about 8 a.m.
(Sometimes earlier, sometimes I sleep in later, depends on what I did the night before!)

-From 8a.m. to 9a.m.  I shower, get dressed, make my bed, and straighten up my room.
 I also eat breakfast, do my morning chores, and have my personal devotion time.  My morning chores include taking out the trash, feeding our dog, and sweeping off the front porch.  For my devotions I read the bible, think about what I read, take some notes, journal, and pray. 
(At different times of day throughout the week I have other chores.  On Thursdays I have to dust and vacuum my room and during the warm months I have to mow the grass once a week.  I'm also in charge of making sure the trash is set out on Wednesday mornings and I shop vac the van and sweep out the garage every other Saturday.)  

-From 9a.m to 12noon I do my school work.  I have Bible, writing, and Algebra, and other work, depends on the day. 

-At 12 noon we stop for lunch.  After lunch, I clean up the kitchen and then I get back to my work.

-From 1p.m. to 4p.m.  I do more school.  I have World History and Biology and Language Arts.

-From 4p.m. to 6 p.m.  I have free time.  I shoot basketball, play soccer, or go jogging. Sometimes I do all 3!!  If Dad is home he usually plays with us. 
This is probably my favorite time of day!  I usually take Sophie (our dog) on a walk too.

-At 6p.m. We eat dinner.  I love dinner time!  My Mom is the best cook ever!  Dinner at my house is great!  Right before we eat each night my dad reads us a Psalm.  After dinner I usually have a little more free time or I may have some "homework" I have to do.  One of my brothers has dinner cleanup (I have lunch cleanup) so I don't have to do much for that.  One of my parents helps my brother with his cleanup and I can work or play a game or read or something.  

-At 7:30p.m. we do our family devotions.  We read a chapter of the Bible (right now we are reading the book of Acts) we talk about what we read, and we pray.  We have a notebook where we write down all of our praise items and prayer requests each night.  Each of us kids takes turns writing in the notebook on behalf of the family.  Even Eli!  (Some of his spellings can be a little funny.)  Also, if anyone needs to ask forgiveness from anyone else in the family we do that during this time. 

-After devotions it's close to 9p.m. so we get ready for bed.   Sometimes we stay up,  to watch a ball game or something. I don't always go to bed at 9p.m. since I'm older, but the other kids do.  Ethan is usually really tired because he gets up earlier than me and if he has had soccer practice or a soccer game he is usually exhausted.   I do most of my blogging at 9 or 10 o clock at night, when the house is quiet and I can think.  Some nights I stay up really late reading.  I love to read! 

I love my life!!  It's funny to think that it is getting ready to change a lot.  We are in the middle of buying a house and getting ready to move and also we are just weeks away from having a baby.  My life is going to get really exciting here in about a month!  I can't wait until the baby gets here.  I think about her all the time.  I also can't wait to get moved in our new house.  A lot of our stuff has been in boxes for almost a year, when my dad's company moved us to Chattanooga.  We thought we would only rent for 6 months but it turned into a year.  I can't wait to unpack and get all settled in and then have the baby with us!  It's going to be a great summer!!  We've worked really hard so we can finish school in May.  (We even had to do school on a lot of Saturdays!)  When we finish the school year we will have lots of free time and that will be great!  I also want to spend time outside as much as possible and go camping and fishing. 

Well, there you have it.  A day in my life.  This is the usual day I guess you would say but there also days we veer off the schedule a little bit and go to the Aquarium or library or a park or something. 

Tell me about your typical day!  I'd love to hear what you're doing!