Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Top Ten of Summer 2010

Summer is over and I have to say this summer was one of the best ever!  Moving to Chattanooga has turned out to be a lot of fun!  We created many special memories this summer as a family.  Spending time with friends, learning our way around our new city,  and making new friends, made for a spectacular summer!

Here are my favorite pics from Summer 2010


  1. Looks like ya'll had an awesome summer, Colin!! :) I love that picture of you boys and your dad out in the lake!
    Hope to see you all soon!

  2. Colin,

    My favorite is the one of you all sitting around the campfire while you are camping doing devotions. This reminds me of the time we all went camping. Remember that??? :) We had lots of fun. You and Ethan coming into the bathroom to get that frog and it jumped on your mom. I thought she was going to wake up the whole campground screaming. Ha! Ha!

    Love ya,

  3. Oh yeah I had to add in there about your Dad catching the grill on fire while trying to cook bacon since I told one on your Mom. That was so funny. Good times!!!!

    Love ya,

  4. Those are great pics. Thanks for posting them. Keep up the great blogging:) Love you.
