Monday, November 14, 2011

Give Thanks to the Lord for He is Good!

    Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.  I love eating turkey, watching football, and spending time as a family.  I love all of our Thanksgiving traditions and everything we do each year. On Thanksgiving day we get up and watch the parade, my Mom normally makes a huge meal, and we play and watch football. Dad always reads to us from the bible and we pray as a family giving thanks to God.  (and we eat leftovers all weekend!)   This year we are doing things a little different.  We are traveling, which we don't usually do.  My Dad is off work this year for Thanksgiving and he hasn't been off for Thanksgiving in a long, long time.  He has not been to Virginia for a whole year so we are glad to be taking this trip.  I am excited to get to spend Thanksgiving with family members I don't get to see very often. 

      Thanksgiving is most importantly a time to thank God for everything he has done for us.  We can get focused on our teams, and our plans, and what we will be making for Thanksgiving dinner, or who is coming over, or where we are going. To help us remember to give thanks, Mom came up with this really cool idea to roll out a huge piece of paper and for us to write down everything we are thankful for.  In this one year God has given us a new baby sister, a new house, and a new van.  God has also done so many things for us I realize.  If we take the time to stop and think about it we will come up with so many things.  (We came up with 63 things in just a few minutes and we are still coming up with more!)
I am most thankful for Jesus, his death on the cross and resurrection, God's forgiveness of sins and my salvation, my family, my school, friends, our church, my health, and all of the many ways God has blessed me.

This week and the next try not to get all caught up in the hustle and bustle of Thanksgiving and just stop all through out your days and thank God for everything He has done for you. 

Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His steadfast love endures forever.  Psalm 118:1      


  1. This is a thoughtful post. Thank you for sharing. May the Lord bless your time with your family this Thanksgiving. Blessings
